

Cut to the Soul

Extract from preface

Sarah-Louise Bedford,
our medical illustrator and mental health trainer

This book evolved from my own research into what the Bible, God’s true and living Word, says about self-harming behaviours. I wanted to live out what the Bible told me, aided by the power of the Holy Spirit.

When I started researching I only thought it would be part of my individual recovery journey, but as I shared insights I had gained with other believers and Christian professionals in health and social care settings, it became obvious that there was a gap in the literature and resources around self-harm from a biblical perspective.

So, with prayerful encouragement and practical support it has grown from scribbled annotations around Bible passages I had printed off into a full book. 

The focus is around how God’s good design for our lives can be lived out in the reality of a damaged world, that can lead some people to resort to hurting themselves. So this book will be most helpful to Christians who either self-harm themselves, or support someone who does. That said, there are a number of insights and resources that are relevant to people of all faiths and none… 

Available resources (for best experience, please access the pages from a computer):