Reflective questions


Cut to the Soul grew from my own journey of grappling with the tensions between my faith and my behaviours. If you are reading it but would like to dig deeper, then here are some questions you might like to reflect on. They can be pondered individually or in a small group setting.


It would be beneficial to have a Bible to hand, and something to scribble on as you go through the questions.


They are set out chapter by chapter so you can dip in and out at your own speed. Each set is laid out in a table format with the page number(s) that the questions were drawn from. At the right hand side of the table there are three columns – one for individuals who self-harm (person icon), one for friends and family of those individuals (heart) and one for professionals (telephone). These columns are checked as to which group each question may be most relevant, but this are just suggestions and you are free to skip over any that are not relevant, or possibly even triggering if you are currently in a difficult place.


And if you are a Christian, I encourage you to pray about the answers that may come up as to how they could be implemented in your life or work place for the good of others.

I hope this is the start of an exciting journey for you too.


The reflective question guide is available for download here.