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Sponsoring those less fortunate than ourselves is a popular method of charitable giving. And so we have developed Patient to Prisoner (P2P)…

Millions of patients in High Income Countries (HICs) have long-term conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy and hypertension. High quality treatment is often extremely cheap or even free at the point of delivery. Even behind bars, good treatment is usually available; in the UK for example, all prisoners get completely free healthcare, thanks to the British National Health Service. Yet in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs), it's often a different tale: countless prisoners lack even basic treatment for their long-term conditions.

P2P facilitates a HIC patient with a certain long-term condition sponsoring an LMIC prisoner with the same condition: for example, a British diabetic sponsors a prisoner's diabetes treatment and a French asthmatic sponsors another prisoner's asthma treatment. That said, you are free to sponsor someone with a different illness and of course we also welcome healthy sponsors!

Unless you choose to sponsor a prisoner on an ongoing basis, our sponsorship scheme is a simple one-off donation to cover a single year's treatment. Sadly we can't permit direct contact with your sponsored prisoner, due to the sensitivities surrounding imprisonment, but your sponsorship certificate will detail their illness and country of detention. We can also issue certificates in the name of someone else: so, if there's a special person in your life with a particular long-term condition, why not mark their birthday by sponsoring a prisoner with the same condition?


£10 - Hypertensive prisoner

Provides a prisoner with high blood pressure with amlodipine tablets for a year.


£ 25 - Arthritic prisoner

Provides an arthritic prisoner with painkillers for a year


£50 - menstruating prisoner

Provides a prisoner suffering from extreme menstrual problems with a reusable menstrual cup (to catch menstrual blood) and mefenamic acid (to ease period pain), tranexamic acid (to lighten period flow) and iron supplements (to prevent anaemia) for a year.


£75 - Diabetic prisoner

Provides a non-insulin dependent diabetic prisoner with metformin and gliclazide for a year.


The most efficient way to donate to us is by bank transfer (BACS), which attracts no fees: UK account number 00022229, sort code 40-52-40, swift code CAFGB21XXX. If you choose to use this option, please label your gift ‘donation’.

It would also be great to get an email from you so we can write and thank you.

However, if you wish to make a secure one-off donation using your credit card or PayPal account, click on the donate button and we will receive ⁓97% of what you give.
