

Even a small gift goes a long way in low and middle income countries. For the price of a coffee, a trip to the cinema or a meal out, you could make a massive difference to a prisoner’s life. Each of these gifts will provide a prisoner with much-needed medication for a year.


£10 Dental gift

Provides five prisoners with new toothbrushes and a year's supply of toothpaste.


£25 - skin gift

Provides ten prisoners with soap and antibiotics to treat the horrendous boils (known as pigsa) that run rife through tropical jails every monsoon season.


£50 - Worming gift

Provides 100 prisoners with three-monthly worming treatments for a year.


£100 - Epilepsy gift

Provides two prisoners with epilepsy treatment for a year.


The most efficient way to donate to us is by bank transfer (BACS), which attracts no fees: UK account name Integritas Healthcare Community Interest Company, account number 00022229, sort code 40-52-40, swift code CAFGB21XXX. If you choose to use this option, please label your gift ‘donation’.

It would also be great to get an email from you so we can write and thank you.

However, if you wish to make a secure one-off donation using your credit card or PayPal account, click on the donate button and we will receive ⁓97% of what you give.
