I wonder what peace looks like to you in your life. For some of us we enjoy moments of solitude in a quiet place, tucked up with a book, for others they relish the thought of being surrounded by loved ones amidst the joyful chaos of a busy Christmas-time house.
The Oxford English Dictionary lists one definition of the word peace as “freedom from anxiety, disturbance (emotional, mental, or spiritual), or inner conflict; calm, tranquillity.” However we may picture peace, it is safe to say we all long for that emotional peace described.
For the millions of people who will spend this Christmas in prison, it is unlikely they will experience any form of peace. Prisons across the world suffer from extreme overcrowding. Prisoners are often packed into spaces where the number of people far exceeds the designed capacity. This leads to poor physical health as infectious diseases can easily spread from one person to the next. The lack of personal space will lead to worsening mental health and increasing violent behaviour.
Whilst there may be valid reasons for people to be in prison, it does not justify the unsuitable conditions that currently exist.
Integritas comes face to face with the issue of overcrowded prisons and the harm this can inflict. It is vitally important that prisoners receive high quality healthcare to prevent further spread of diseases within the prison population.
As we look ahead to everything we enjoy about Christmas, let us remember those who are without peace or comfort.
If you feel able to donate, any amount will have a huge impact on the support Integritas is able to provide to prisoners
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