January - Health and Justice in the Public Square


This month has challenged all track participants to consider how public speaking may feature in our professional lives. We had our second weekend conference, where we were fortunate to hear from several speakers about their roles in, and journeys to, the public square. Prior to the conference we had been tasked with writing debate motions based on vulnerable patient groups, from which we voted for our favourite four. On the Saturday we had an opportunity to present and debate these motions in small groups, giving us the atmosphere of a medical organisation committee meeting.  

We were also encouraged to reflect on the lives of those who had been called by God to speak publicly in the Bible and whether God had also placed this call on our lives. I have always been a self-conscious and nervous public speaker, avoiding it at all costs! However, this weekend has allowed me to refine some of those skills and consider what part I might play in advocating for the vulnerable, whether it be on the podium, or supporting those who do from behind the scenes. Whichever way we do it, it is important to be aware of the moral issues faced by Christian medics and consider how we might formulate appropriate responses. The feedback from the weekend was overwhelmingly positive, with many new skills learnt. 



This month we watched the moving biopic about the life of evangelical abolitionist William Wilberforce, Amazing Grace. This movie is an inspiring reminder of how we can fulfil the good works God has set before us and participate in the coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ through seeking justice in the public square. William Wilberforce suffered with ill health and stress over the many years it took to see the abolition of slavery, but through his faith, and his relationships with friends and his wife, he was able to endure and take strength in completing the work God has set out for him. In our discussion, we reflected on the importance of having a strong support network of those with matching principles and values to encourage us in our journey with God, especially when facing giants of injustice.  

A fellow track participant, Dr Ellie Webb, joined the discussion from the point of view of having read Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe, a nineteenth century novel highly influential in ending the US slave trade. As a group we drew the conclusion that while some like Wilberforce may bring change through speeches and public engagement, others may have different gifts, such as writing, that can be just as important and influential in bringing about transformation.  In the end, however we approach the fight for justice we must remember that failure of one battle does not eliminate the possibility of winning the war.